Gift booked! Thank you

And what’s next?

  1. Buy a gift at any store
  2. Send it directly to the selected recipient
  3. Enjoy the great feeling of a good deed

If you change your mind, please do not forget to cancel your reservation …

And how will VOLO help you?

If you discovered VOLO on the basis of charity lists, you should know that this application can do much more:

We save your time and nature by fighting against inappropriate gifts. Check out the web application environment, or check out the video below:

  • My wishlists 🎁 Write down gift ideas here that will make you happy for birthdays or Christmas. You can also have your baby’s wishlist here.
  • Gifts for friends 🛍️ Use the mobile app to write down your gift ideas for your loved ones as soon as anything comes to your mind. You will also see their wishes here.
  • Shared grocery list 🛒 Are you running out of milk? Add it to the VOLO grocery shopping list. Another member of the household buys it, on the way home from work.

Download the free gift app:

Gift reservation system

Thanks to the gift reservation function, you will not receive the same gift more than once. However, if you do not want to, you do not see the reservation, so you will not miss the surprise.

Gifts for grandma

Grandma doesn’t want to register in the app? It does not matter. Add it as a virtual friend and you can write down your gift ideas for her as soon as they come to mind.

Download the VOLO gift app:


according to your ideas


No more
2 identical gifts


Booking gifts made so easy,
your Grandma can do it

Gifts for good deed

In the VOLO application you will find a section of charitable wishlists, where you can fulfill the wishes of those who need it most

We wish you a pleasant gift

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