How to share your wishlist

to your family or even bigger groups

You will not see gift reservations (if you really don’t want to)

The most important advice:

  • Write only the name of the wish in the title. Details belong to the label.
  • There is only one wish per line
  • The sharing link is to the right of the title
  • Fill in your name and photo so friends know who’s inviting them to the app

Sharing a list

Each list has a sharing button.
Click it to access all the sharing tools

In mobile app , you will find the sharing icon at the top of the screen

Not just sharing icons

In the list settings, you will find sharing icons, but also a specific URL that you can paste into your website.

You can also change design of the list so that it fits better to your event. Changed graphics will be visible only under this particular link.

Invite your friends to the app

In the FRIENDS section, fill in the e-mail addresses of your friends with whom you regularly give gifts.

This way, you will not need to share them secret link before each event.

Your friends will see all your list changes online and we will notify you about their wishes.

You can have multiple wish lists

You can create a special book wishlist, or maybe a special list with tips for gifts for your kids …

Each wishlist can be shared with another group of friends

Is anything unclear? Feel free to write us on our Facebook page steed contact form .

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